Friday, January 9, 2015

Finish the sentence friday-- vote me for president

So..I'm trying  something  new. I'm doing finish the sentence  friday! Today's topic is: Why you should vote for me for president.

You should vote for me for president  because  I'd  make sure your furry family members  count as dependents! Let's face  it, they're  children. You feed them, you pick up after them, you take them to the doctor. You should be able to get a deduction for them!

Schools won't have to make up snow days. Really..what's the point of makeup days? End this nonsense of counting every pesky hour and be more concerned  about  the safety of the students. Where I live, it's all hills  and back  roads and they get nasty in the winter. There would be a lot less pressure  on the  school  admin if they could quit worrying about stupid stuff like that!

Coffee  and  chocolate  will be medical  deductions..let's face it..they're  life saving devices, take that delicious  deduction!

Married  to a fireman or  policeman  ? Take that spa trip once a month...on your health's a mental health  issue.

Got  a special  needs kid and need a break? Date night for  you and  a qualified (and ultra  fun) sitter for the kids  are also on your mental  health plan, enjoy that pizza  and nap once a month!

I've  got more fun ideas why I really  should be president, but my campaign  manager  called...he needs more apple juice and can't find his teddybear.


  1. You've got my vote (and your campaign manager sounds adorable). Welcome to Finish the Sentence Friday!

  2. I'm so glad that you decided to link up with Finish the Sentence! And you totally have my vote. Send that ultra fun sitter over for my pizza and nap date! And the massage (oh wait, I'm not married to a police or fireman... but I have a special needs kid so that counts, right?). hah to your campaign manager. Adorable.

  3. Well, I'd say that you have some mighty fine ideas for getting elected as President! Your campaign manager will have an easy job getting you elected...right after he gets his apple juice!

    (Welcome to FSTF! We're excited to have you!)

  4. You have my vote:). Welcome to FTSF!

  5. I would totally vote for you...I don't love the part about the fur babies but the spa and coffee and chocolate more than makes up for it!
