Thursday, May 14, 2015


A while ago, a well meaning friend (yes guys, THAT friend) told me i needed to find my passion in life. Well, see, what that loveable idiot has never understood is that life is too short for me to have just one thing i'm passionate about. I'm passionate about my kids, my nieces and nephews, lgbt rights, suicide prevention, all things fire service, my family, my friends, my hermit crabs, add/adhd awareness..lots of stuff.

Today, i need to tell you guys about something important that has quickly consumed my life the last few days. I'm helping my beach mommy promote a basket raffle to benefit a friend of hers on Hatteras Island (another passion of mine) who has stage 3 lung cancer. There's almost $3000 of amazingly cool stuff in this thing (the picnic blanket was made by yours truly) including, get this..4 days in paradise, including a $250 visa gift card that you can use for your gas money and a bunch of restaurant gift cards. Yup...for a $2 ticket, you could land in paradise for a few blissful days AND get a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing that you've helped a worthy family meet their expenses for a while.

Please, go to

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